Aquaculture and research
Aquaculture is currently the fastest growing area of food production. Without research and knowledge transfer into practice there can be no progress in aquaculture. Our tasks are practice-relevant aquaculture research tailored to Austrian needs, the transfer of practice-relevant research data to producer companies, and consulting and training.
Main tasks
- Aquaculture research
- Transfer of scientific research data to aquaculture industry
- Consultation of fish farmers
- Public relations (speeches and guided tours, publications in subject-specific journals)© BAW-IGF -
Interreg Project Austria Czech Republic
The cultivation of microalgae is a new booming industry. The algae are used as feed, food and nutritional supplements.
© Mikrobiologický ústav AV ČR, v. v. i., Centrum ALGATECH -
Ichthyophthirius multifiliis
Is turmeric (yellow ginger) suitable for treating white spot disease (Ichthyophthirius multifiliis) in salmonids?
© BAW-IGF/Fish farm Kreuzstein -
Triploid organisms have a triple set of chromosomes and, according to the current state of knowledge, do not form any sexual organs. They are therefore sterile. This can be exploited in aquaculture, as sterile fish exhibit continuous growth because they do not have to expend energy on reproduction.
Organic broodstock feed for salmonid rearing
Because organic broodstock feed differs in several components from regular, nonorganic certified broodstock feed, discussion arose as to whether it is equally suitable for feeding and rearing salmonid hatchlings.
© BAW-IGF/Stefan Strobl -
Development and optimization of quality feed for fish larvae
In aquaculture, the rearing of fish larvae requires special feed that corresponds in size and nutrient composition to the nutritional physiologist of the species. Live feed is used for many species.
Testing of disinfectants for fish eggs
When fish eggs are incubated at high densities in fish farms, it is necessary to reduce the bacterial count of pathogens present in and on the egg.
Development of new husbandry methods for fish larvae and juveniles
For the fish larvae of some species, the optimal husbandry conditions are still unknown. We are currently working on the development of new husbandry and feeding methods for perch and pikeperch that are feasible under intensive conditions.
Test the aquaculture suitability of fish species and offer them to the private sector, if suitable
We test fish species that are not yet in production for their suitability for aquaculture and, if suitable, offer them to the private sector.
Development of rearing methods for rare or endangered fish species
We seek to safeguard populations of endangered native fish species by developing and researching appropriate rearing methods and recolonization strategies.