Außenansicht Fischzucht Kreuzstein

Fish Farming and Research

Our field of activity deals with the breeding of endangered or ecologically important fish species and the breeding of aquaculture fish for private fish farmers.
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Lake Research

Austrian lakes have been exposed to diverse, human use, which has led to changes in water quality, but also in fish species communities.
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Drei Männer in einem Boot auf einem Fluss, die gerade Proben entnehmen. Links sieht man Land und rechts Wald.

Water Ecology

The topic of aquatic ecology is fish and stream habitat. Flood control and the use of hydropower have significantly changed our rivers over long stretches.
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Ecological Station Waldviertel

The main focus of our activity is in the field of aquaculture in carp ponds and in warm water recirculation systems as well as in the field of the EU Water Framework Directive.
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Institute for Aquatic Ecology and Fisheries Management - Mondsee

We implement the EU Water Framework Directive for the quality element fish in Austrian rivers and lakes. We manage the Fish Database Austria  and provide technical education and training for inland fisheries. We develop new approaches for aquaculture, sustainable fish production and population surveys of fish species communities.