Fish Database Austria

Since the beginning of the EU Water Framework Directive (EU-WFD) in 2000, a fish database has been established at the IGF Scharfling. The fishing data contained in the database, date back to the 1980s.

The original database (ATFI-BASE) was adapted to the changed requirements and further developed into the 'Fish Database Austria' (FDA). The name FDA now stands for several specialised scientific databases and a comprehensive software framework. The results of which are subsequently accessible in the Water Information System Austria (WISA) and are incorporated in the National Water Management Plan (NGP).

All data collected in Austria within the fish monitoring program on rivers (Gewässerzustandsüberwachungsverordnung GZÜV, implementation of the EU-WFD in Austria) are stored and calculated by the FDA. As of August 2019, FDA contains more than 7000 surveys (projects and GZÜV data) at 5200 sampling sites on watercourses throughout Austria.

The FDA is based on single fish data, the user interface of the database is a web application. For the data input a specific software was developed at the IGF. The FDA framework integrates standardised calculation methods, fish biological evaluations, the calculation of statistical parameters, the evaluation according to the Fisch Index Austria (FIA) as well as the creation of diagrams and pdf reports. Results from the FDA are made available in the 'Fish Database Bund' (FDB) to the responsible persons at federal and state level. The FDB was established at the Environment Agency Austria (EAA, Umweltbundesamt UBA) on behalf of the BMNT and with the support of the IGF; current data are transferred daily from the FDA to the FDB.

The danufishbase is a derivative of the FDA, it was specially developed for the requirements of the fishing data collected for the Joint Danube Surveys (JDS, expeditions organized by the ICPDR, the International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River).

Accordingly, the data on lake fishing are administered in the 'FDA Lakes', also here predominantly in compliance with the EU Water Framework Directive. In addition to fishing data, the 'FDA Lakes' also contain data from physicochemical sampling, i.e. water analyses of the lakes, the longest time series dating back to the 1930s.