LIFE-Boat 4 Sturgeon
The Federal Office of Aquatic Science will set up a cryogenic gene bank for valuable genetic material for the LIFE-Boat 4 Sturgeon project and will house part of the parent stock and take over the rearing of some of the stocked fish.
© BOKU -
A large proportion of Austrian fish production is currently carried out in flow-through systems and ponds. A rapidly growing branch of aquaculture is production in recirculation systems, which purify and reuse the water.
Otter in Lower Austria
The Waldviertel Ecological Station supports the province of Lower Austria in the conflict between the good population density of otters and pond management by providing advice, checking the plausibility of the data and carrying out the professional erection of fences.
© BAW/Peham -
The Waldviertel Ecological Station has been maintaining a pond-data-base for several years, which, in addition to general information such as the number, location, type of use and water area of the ponds, also serves to store the results of investigations and data from long-term monitoring in a central database in a secure and bundled manner.
© BAW/Peham -
Methodenentwicklung zur fischereilichen Datenerhebung
Im Rahmen dieses Projektes hat das Institut für Gewässerökologie und Fischereiwirtschaft in Kooperation mit der Österreichischen Bundesforste-AG die Renken und Seesaiblingsbestände von 10 österreichischen Seen untersucht.
© Grafik: Fische und Gewässer -
Global fish production in aquaculture has developed rapidly in recent decades. Today, almost half of the food fish consumed worldwide comes from aquaculture. In the future, it is expected that more fish will be produced for human consumption through aquaculture than through the fishing industry.
© Dünser/BAW -
Pond landscapes of the Waldviertel - a globally unique model region for sustainability, climate-friendly habitats and health.
© BAW/Bauer -
LeTe protein: Extraction of sustainable protein sources (duckweed and mealybug larvae) with secondary raw materials and use in aquaculture.
© BAW/Grubinger