© BAW / Murer zoom gallery -
© BAW / Murer zoom gallery
Contact Person: Erwin Murer
Brief Description
The aim of this project is, on the one hand, to investigate the suitability of the developed tree substrates "The Vienna Tree Substrate - non-covered planting pit" on 4 lysimeters and "The Vienna Tree Substrate - covered planting pit" on 2 lysimeters and, on the other hand, to investigate the water, salt and nutrient balance.
Each lysimeter has a square surface (9 m²) and is 1.5 meters deep. Sensors were installed for continuous recording of water content, matrix potential and soil temperature. Soil water is extracted by suction cups with continuous negative pressure and the amount of seepage water quantity is recorded by tipping bucket gauge. Weather data (precipitation, global radiation, air temperature, relative humidity and wind speed) are measured.
European hackberry trees (Celtis Australis) were planted for the project.