© BAW-IKT / Kumpan zoom gallery -
© BAW-IKT / Kumpan zoom gallery -
© BAW-IKT / Kumpan zoom gallery
Contact Person: Andreas Scheidl
Brief Description:
Coarse sediments in valley and basin locations are often carriers of significant groundwater resources for drinking water supply. Sustainable management of such water stocks is therefore a top priority environmental objective. The assessment of vertical water flow, groundwater recharge and the associated solute transport through thick gravel bodies are associated with significant uncertainties.
In order to be prepared for future questions, two cylinders with undisturbed gravel (4 m high and with a diameter of 0.78 m) were taken from a gravel pit and instrumented. A total of 19 sensors for water content measurement, 11 temperature sensors and 21 tensiometers for suction stress measurement are installed.
Furthermore, two scales, which register the water inflow to the column and the water outflow from the column, respectively, are also integrated into the data acquisition. The measured values for all these sensors are recorded by means of a data logger.
A wide variety of experiments and investigations can now be carried out at this indoor lysimeter, which will help to support and validate the formulation of model approaches for solute transport in the near-groundwater zone.
schematic representation