
The effects of climate change are clearly noticeable and scientifically measurable in urban areas in Austria and the Czech Republic. Extreme weather events are on the increase and pose ever new challenges for the population. Planting can reduce the heat. The Plants4Cooling project focusses on the cooling effect of plantings on the local microclimate.

Brief description

The main objectives of the project are to develop a simplified and applicable methodology for measuring the cooling effect and to test plantings in problematic street areas.

There are already methods, instructions and studies on utilising the cooling effect of plants as a measure to increase climate resilience in urban areas.

As part of the ‘Plants4cooling’ project, a simplified methodology for quantifying and communicating the cooling effect in the form of a stationary measuring system and with the help of mobile measuring equipment is being developed, tested in practice in cooperation with cities and municipalities and made available to the public. In addition, the cooling effect of plants is measured at various locations throughout the year. This data should help to evaluate and take into account the cooling effect of plants as part of the new methodology.

In urban areas, this is aggravated by the fact that the space available above and especially below ground for plants is limited, the high degree of sealing means that little water, which is the central resource for cooling performance, finds its way into the root zone and this existing surface water can also contain certain concentrations of pollutants. Substrates adapted to the respective function, such as surface water purification, tree locations with moderate compaction, perennial beds, etc., form the basis for functional plant locations in urban areas. As part of the project, a basis for assessing the hydrological function of various substrates and infiltration systems is being developed.

In further work packages of the project partners, the landscape water balance and the cooling effect will be improved through planting. Vertical greenery will also be planted in several streets and analysed in detail.

The project will be complemented by educational, exchange and networking activities and events and will combine the experience of experts on both sides of the border in order to find joint solutions with the involvement of all partners. Eight project partners, supported by three Austrian and three Czech strategic partners, are represented in the project consortium.

The ‘ATCZ00093 - Plants4Cooling’ project is co-funded by the European Union through the ERDF as part of the INTEREG VI-A Austria-Czech Republic 2023-2027 programme. The project duration is January 2024 to December 2026.