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Brief description
Data and knowledge gaps exist in Austria with regard to the regional distribution of denitrification rates in the unsaturated and saturated zones. In many places it is therefore unknown how long nitrate pollution persists in groundwater. However, this information is an essential basis for substance balance modeling of nitrogen loads in surface waters and a realistic assessment of regional nitrogen surpluses with regard to expected groundwater concentrations.
The aim of this project, in cooperation with the Federal Environment Agency and other institutes involved in nitrogen modeling and nitrogen degradation, is to determine
- whether and to what extent existing pedological, hydrological and water quality data as well as
- data from existing material balance models and nitrogen balances in Austria could be used and
- which tools need to be supplemented,
to improve the assessment of regional N surpluses, taking into account denitrification in the soil and groundwater. Appropriate methodological principles for nationwide implementation are to be developed