The tree lysimeter facility in Jägerhausgasse Vienna on the grounds of the Schönbrunn Federal Institute of Higher Education and Research was created as a joint project between the Vienna Environmental Protection Department, the Vienna City Gardens, the HBLFA Schönbrunn, the “Land schafft Wasser” association and our federal office.
Under the leadership of our Federal Office and the “Land schafft Wasser” association, the influence of buildable structural substrates on the urban water cycle and on tree growth is being quantified.
The tree lysimeter system and the “sponge city principle for trees” were presented by Thomas Roth, Iris Otterspeer (both HBLFA Schönbrunn) and BAW employee Sebastian Rath as part of an ORF 2 film “Zurück zur Natur - Rund ums Wasser”. The focus was on root camera recordings, sampling of seepage water, as well as another planting of an urban tree in overbuildable structural substrate.
The program was broadcast on ORF 2 on November 01, 2024 and can be viewed on ORF ON.