Echo sounder - How many fish are there in Lake Mondsee and other Austrian lakes?

Since 2003, the Lake Research Department of the Federal Office for Water Management - Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Fisheries Management has been conducting fish population surveys in all large Austrian lakes as part of the implementation of the EU Water Framework Directive. The national assessment of the fish ecological status of the lakes is carried out using the method developed by Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Fisheries Management.

Using sound technology (echo sounder/hydroacoustics), the number and weight of fish in a lake can be estimated without having to catch the fish.

At the Long Night of Research at the Research Institute of Limnology in Mondsee, where the Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Fisheries Management was also represented, visitors, including many children, were able to gain a comprehensive insight into the fascinating world of fish and their quantification. A total of 950 visitors were counted, of which around 50-60 visitors had the opportunity to experience the latest echo sounder technology directly on board the boat.

This event provided a unique opportunity to experience modern fish survey technology up close and learn more about the important work of the Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Fisheries Management.